This is just a short message for the readers of this blog. I’ve had quite a busy week thus far, but will be returning tomorrow with a Review of Gary Oldman’s version of George Smiley, in the classy museum piece remake of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I’ll also be introducing a surreal weekend column courtesy of resident Sawf Lundun Knowledge Guru ‘Allotment Slim’, so feel free to give a little bit of feedback on this little venture.

Over the course of December I will be radically overhauling the site, most likely turning the present Apercu into a film-focused blog, with hopefully a few innovative new features, a more user-friendly approach, some alternative content and the same focus on diverse areas of cinema. I’ll be looking to create a regular pattern to the blog week, more on which will follow shortly.

The non-film based material on the site will be moved onto an alternate Apercus blog site, which will in effect work as a more free-form location for my occasional writings. Thank you to everyone who has recently got on board and signed up for e-mail updates or just taken a cursory glance of my content. You can also find links to my reviews on, as well as info and updates at the Large Association of Movie Blogs . Finally, I would just like to draw your attention to three other websites. First of all there is the excellent and highly innovative little movie blog at, which is shaping up to be a really interesting little site and has housed some of my writing in the past. Secondly there is the Icelandic-based film blog, which is an excellent movie news site and will hopefully feature some odds and ends from myself in the near future. Last but not least, there is which contains great reviews that aren’t afraid to trade in strong opinions. All three of these sites are well worth a look and a little of your support.

Once again thanks to all of you for making this a really good blog-month for me. Hope you like some of the changes to come and stick around for the long haul.

